Hotel Room BlocksStill looking for a room? You can now reserve rooms at the Intercontinental and the Crowne Plaza! Our other blocks include the Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Embassy Suites, DoubleTree, Hilton, Aloft, and the Comfort Inn. For information on room rates and parking visit our hotel information page on our website. The rooms are going quickly so make sure you’ve got yours reserved! Be sure to like our page on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and subscribe to our website RSS feed for instant updates.
Interested in Staffing for Anime Central?Anime Central is accepting applications for our volunteer staff. There are still openings in multiple departments such as Panel Programming, Registration, Guest Relations, and Customer Service. For more information or to apply to be considered for staff either fill out the form here or contact our chief of staff at chiefofstaff@acen.org.
Interested in Volunteering for Anime Central?Looking to experience the convention from a staffer's perspective? Volunteer in your spare time! Being a gopher allows you to experience what you want of the con, and help out the various departments in your spare time. You choose when to help out. You make your own shift schedules. Work enough hours and you could even earn a free badge for next year! For more information on how to sign up before con, visit our volunteering page, or come check us out in the Reagan Room of the Hyatt Regency O'Hare during con! *Must be 18 years or older to apply.
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