Thursday, January 26, 2012

Graham Crackers Comics New Release List for Feb. 1st, 2012

Graham Crackers Comics


This week for the ON-LINE special, we're promoting the brand new HERO INITIATIVE exclusive OVERSTREET PRICE GUIDE for $10 off it's regular $35 price.  Pick one up for only $25 bucks and enjoy a sturdy John Romita exclusive cover limited to only 500 copies made for just about the price of a regular softcover Ovestreet guide!

Besides being a handy 'price guide', the Overstreet yearly guide offers so much more.  How to grade comic books, tips on stroage preservation, industry collecting observation and changes through the years and more!

Every comic is somebody's first comic, be it good or bad, over the next couple months we'll showcase what was each GCC staff's first comic book ~ maybe it was your first book as well!

Tim Kopecky - Plainfield -
The first comic that I actually remember reading and to this day remains an all time favorite is Infinity Gauntlet #3. Being a child of the 80's I was fascinated with space and the great beyond. Explorers, The Last Starfighter, Flight of the Navigator were on constantly replay in the VCR. Up until then I was only familiar with Earth bound heroes from the newspaper funnies and sunday morning cartoons. So seeing this cover I thought I was going to get to see them all in action. Oh how wrong I was. Upon reading the issue not only did I find who would become my favorite comic character( to this day I MUST have everything Thanos) but a whole slew of cosmic characters that would have me scouring back issues for the next 20 years. They were beings of immense power that could lay waste to any of the earth's mightiest heroes. It was action and adventure all in one. Very Empire Strikes Back(the best of the trilogy in my opinion) and has had me saying "make mine Marvel" ever since.

Chris Vittoe -
Downers Grove -
My first single issue comic, Batman and the Outsiders #4, was
automatically cool to me without even opening it. First it was a
Batman book (my all time favorite character); second Green Arrow was on the cover. I had read everything the library had with Green Arrow from Smith, Winick, and O'Neil. This issue was a gateway drug to the
rest of the DC universe. As cool as I remember the issue being, I remember little about the story itself.
I think there was a jungle? Villains were fought. Good guys win the day, probably.

Reviews and new releases after the jump!

I, Vampire #5story by Joshua Hale Fialkov
art by Andrea Sorrentino
reviewed by John 'Doc' Schaefer
 When did Gotham City become the end all / be all of the new 52 universe? And more over, why? Not that Gotham City isn't great, don't get me wrong. But we all ready have at least 4 bat-titles set there. Add in Jonah Hex's adventures in Gotham over in All Star Western and now Andrew Bennett comes to town. Why not Central City, Coast City, Happy Harbour ... how about freakin' Detroit. Now I get the tie in, Batman meets real vampire batman but that irony was funny some forty years ago when Rankin/Bass brought it up in their classic movie Mad Monster Party.

The good news is that Andrew's character is beginning to develop beyond his whiny AMC mini-series beginnings. But we still keep aiming for that target audience. The revelation of the vampire's hiding spot in Gotham and the journey there is straight out of a script for Walking Dead or True Blood. The good news is that Mary is still insane and wearing skin tight body tattoos.

$2.99 / DC Comics
5 out of 10 Grahams

Daredevil #8story by Mark Waid
art by Marcos Martin
reviewed by Pastor Sam

“I think this is my super villain origin” – Spiderman          
If you aren’t reading the best marvel book out there by now, you are simply settling.  Daredevil is the perfect balance of action, plot twists, and humor giving the reader far more entertainment value than many others on the shelf for a dollar less. Waid even manages to take a character that is anything but this writer’s favorite and make him enjoyable. The interplay between the titular protagonist and his webbed little buddy gives the impression that Mark has actually spent time in conference with these characters. Further he finds a way to deftly drop Black Cat right in the middle of the mix. I couldn’t be more excited about the future crossovers that are already in the works for these guys. Take a good hard look at your budget, trim the fat, and pick up Daredevil while it’s great!

$3.99 / MARVEL Comics
9 out of 10 Grahams

DC Universe Presents #5story by Paul Jenkins
art by Bernard Chang
reviewed by John 'Doc' Schaefer
Deadman's storyline come to an end here as he faces off against Rama. Paul Jenkins take on the character of Boston Brand is so much better than what the poor guy has been subjected to throughout the Blackest Night/Brightest Day and his reappearance in Hawk and Dove as Dove's beleaguered boyfriend. Boston has finally broken out of years of uncertainty and gone back to his roots. Boston has succeeded in the mission Rama set him on and now wants more but he wants new terms! The story started strong and finishes the same way. Hopefully, the next storyline starring the Challengers of the Unknown will continue in the same way.

$2.99 / DC Comics
8 out of 10 Grahams

Aquaman #5story by Geoff Johns
art by Ivan Reiss
reviewed by John Robinson
 Aquaman in the desert!?
A mystery that ties to Atlantis?
Gorgeous artwork by Ivan Reis?!
Move clever writting from Geoff Johns?!
A spectacular JUMP ON BOARD HERE issue?!
It all adds up to a book you should be reading!
$2.99 / DC Comics
9 out of 10 Grahams

Catwoman #5story by Judd Winick
art by Guillem March
reviewed by John 'Doc' Schaefer
Action! Action! And more Action with a capital A! Catwoman's in over her head again so watch out! As always, Judd Winick's story shows why he was chosen to write Catwoman's reintroduction to the New 52 DC Universe. But the real treat here is Guillem March's art! Oh sure, drawing hot babes in tight leather (vinyl? latex? Just what is that stuff that's poured over her body?) is his forte but it's the variations that are amazing here. We have young Selina under fire, we have pampered Selina spending her ill gotten gains on the full spa treatment, we have ballerina Selina showing perfect form as she plummets hundreds of feet! But best of all, we have those brief moments where Selina's fractured psyche is reflected in her face! March's art shows us that the eyes really are the windows to the soul! Catwoman continues to amaze and entertain. But for god sakes, read the actual words on the pages! Life is not all about the cheesecake art!

$2.99 / DC Comics
9 out of 10 Grahams

Justice League #5story by Geoff Johns
art by Jim Lee
reviewed by John 'Doc' Schaefer

I had made a conscious effort not to for an opinion of the Justice League. I have been a fan of the JLA since the beginning. Starro the Conqueror, Despero, the classic JLA/JSA team-ups, and for the ups there were downs, Justice League Detroit, Maxwell Lord-original persona, Congogorilla's secondary mutation where he can grow to giant size. But I always stuck with it because it was the Justice League. And so I followed Earth's Greatest Heroes into a new regeneration that everyone seemed excited about. And what I was presented with was indeed a fresh new look at DC's flagship super group. But I can't agree that it's "all that and a bag of chips".

The good news is that Geoff Johns keeps the characters' personalities pretty true to what they are in their own individual titles. The bad news is that Geoff Johns keeps the characters' personalities pretty true to what they are in their own individual titles. This means that continuity is preserved and way cool upgrades (ie Aquaman being cool again) are preserved. But if Superman is kind of a anti social jerk (after decades of being the All-American boyscout) in Action or Superman, he still is. This is not Johns's fault and he does manage to make the story work. The storytelling is good and moves at a slower place but it is appropriate in this case. The story isn't about the action but the interaction.

Next, Jim Lee's art is great! Even if he has to draw all the character's in priest collars. (Nuff said.)
The book is a balancing act. High point: the humorous interaction between Batman, Green Lantern, and the Flash. Low point: Batman uncowls to deliver a pep talk to Green Lantern? Low point: Superman is kinda an anti-social jerk. High point: Superman takes an omega blast to the back! High point: Aquaman's take charge attitude. Low point: Cyborg is obviously planned for bigger things in the future. Call me a purist but Cyborg will always be a Teen Titan/Titan not a member of the JLA.

Finally, we have our villain in Darkseid?! I realize that the coming together of the heroes of the Justice League would have to be world threatening but we are talking omega level threat here! When you start out with Darkseid, where can you go from there? The Injustice Society - WHIMPS!, The Crime Syndicate- alternate dimensional losers! And to be perfectly honest with you after suffering through the whole anti-life Infinite Crisis thing, I'm a little tired of Darkseid. And I was there when he first hit the scene back in Kirby's Fourth World.

$3.99 / DC Comics
7 out of 10 Grahams

Amazing Spider-Man #679
Avengers Academy #25
Avengers X-Sanction #3
Avengers X-Sanction #3 churchill variant cover
Avengers X-Sanction #3 yu variant cover
Carnage USA #1 second print
Defenders #3
Defenders #3 adam kubert variant cover
Fearless #8
Hulk #48
Punisher #8
The Twelve #9
Thor Deviants Saga #4
Twelve Must Have #1
Uncanny X-Force #21
Uncanny X-Men #6
Venom #13
Venom #13 variant cover
Venom #13 simonson sketch variant cover
Villains for Hire #3
Winter Soldier #1
Winter Soldier #1 dellotto variant cover
Winter Soldier #1 kubert variant cover
Winter Soldier #1 sketch variant cover
X-Club #3
X-Factor #231
Wolverine and X-Men #3 second print
Action Comics #6
Action Comics #6 variant cover
Action Comics #6 black & white variant cover
Animal Man #6
Batwing #6
Detective Comics #6
Detective Comics #6 variant cover
Green Arrow #6 volume 5
Hawk and Dove #6
Justice League International #6 volume 2
Men Of War #6
Omac #6
Red Lanterns #6
Static Shock #6 volume 3
Stormwatch #6 volume 5
Stormwatch #6 volume 5 variant cover
Supernatural #5
Swamp Thing #6 volume 4
Swamp Thing #6 volume 4 variant cover
I, Zombie #22
Sweet Tooth #30
Alpha Girl #1
Anne Rice Servant of the Bones #6
Anne Rice Servant of the Bones #6 variant cover
Betrayal of the Planet of the Apes #4 cover a
Betrayal of the Planet of the Apes #4 cover b
Boys #63
Brimstone #7
Charmed #18
Crossed Psychopath #5 shark attack cover
Crossed Psychopath #7 auxiliary edition
Damaged #5
Dark Horse Presents #8 donaldson cover
Dark Horse Presents #8 fegredo cover
Doctor Who Vol 2 #14 cover a
Doctor Who Vol 2 #14 cover b
Doctor Who Vol 2 #14 variant cover
Fatale #1 second print
Fatale #2
Fathom vol 4 #4 cover a
Fathom vol 4 #4 cover b
GI Joe A Real American Hero #175 cover a
GI Joe A Real American Hero #175 cover b
GI Joe A Real American Hero #175 variant cover
GI Joe vol 2 #10 cover a
GI Joe vol 2 #10 cover b
GI Joe vol 2 #10 variant cover
Haunted City #2 cover a
Hellraiser #10 cover a
Hellraiser #10 cover b
Hellraiser #10 variant cover
Hellraiser Masterpieces #7
Infestation 2 Transformers #1 cover a
Infestation 2 Transformers #1 cover b
Infestation 2 Transformers #1 variant cover
Invincible #88
Irredeemable #34 cover a
Irredeemable #34 cover b
Jurassic Stike Force 5 #1 cover a
Jurassic Stike Force 5 #1 cover b
Kirby Genesis Captain Victory #3
Kirby Genesis Captain Victory #3 1:10 cover
Kirby Genesis Captain Victory #3 negative cover
Kirby Genesis Captain Victory #3 sketch cover
Kirby Genesis Captain Victory #3 virgin cover
Lady Death #10 auxiliary edition
Locke & Key Clockworks #4
Locke & Key Clockworks #4 variant cover
Lone Ranger #2 volume 2
Magic the Gathering #1
Magic the Gathering #1 1:10 cover
Magic the Gathering #1 1:20 cover
Penny for Your Soul False Prophet #3
Phazer War of the Independents #1
Reed Gunther #8
Robert Jordans Wheel of Time Eye of the World #20
Savage Dragon #178
Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi #0
Strange Talent of Luther Strode #5
Valen Outcast #3 cover a
Valen Outcast #3 cover b
Valen Outcast #3 1:10 cover
Valen Outcast #3 negative cover
Valen Outcast #3 sketch cover
Warlord of Mars Annual #1
Warriors of Mars #1
Warriors of Mars #1 negative cover
Warriors of Mars #1 virgin cover
Warriors of Mars #1 black & white cover
Action Mystery Thrills Covers SC
American Vampire Vol 3 HC
Archie Archives HC volume 04
Art of Carbon Grey HC
Avengers Assemble TPB volume 02
Avengers Hawkeye TPB
Batman Gates Of Gotham TPB
Captain America and Bucky Life Of Bucky Barne PREM HC
Daredevil By Brubaker And Lark Ultimate Collection Book 1 TPB
Essential Fantastic Four TPB volume 06 new edition
Garth Ennis Jennifer Blood Vol 1 TPB
GI Joe volume 02 Ongoing TPB volume 02 Cobra Civil War
Green Arrow Salvation HC
Incredible Hulks Fall of Hulks HC
John Carter A Princess of Mars GN TPB
John Carter World of Mars GN TPB
John Romita Amazing Spider-Man Artist Edition HC
Life & Death of Fritz the Cat HC
Lil Depressed Boy Vol 2 TPB
Madman 20th Anniversary Monster HC
Rat Catcher TPB
Red Skull Incarnate TPB
Spider-man Anti-venom TPB
Superman Reign Of Doomsday HC
Vampirella TPB volume 02
Wally Wood Strange Worlds of Science Fiction Deluxe HC
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Trivia Quiz Dr Who Companion TPB
Wormwood Gentleman Corpse TPB volume 02 Hurts When Peeing
Xombi TPB
Young Romance Best Simon & Kirby Comics HC
Futurama Comics #59
Ice Age Iced In #1
Richie Rich Gems Winter Special One Shot
Scooby Doo Where Are You #18
Sergio Aragones Funnies #7
Simpsons Illustrated #1
Sonic Super Special Magazine #2
Sonic the Hedgehog #233
World of Archie Double Digest #14
Comic Shop News
Filmfax #129
Heavy Metal March 2012
Marvel Previews February 2012
Previews #281
Ame Comi White Canary PVC Figure
Ame Comi Wonder Woman as Star Sapphire Figure
Chuck Norris 7 inch Talking Plush
Classic Marvel Characters #4 Daredevil
DC Batman Wacky Wobbler
DC Joker Wacky Wobbler
DC Superman Wacky Wobbler
DC Wonder Woman Wacky Wobbler
Marvel Mystique Bishoujo Statue
Marvel Select Colossus Action Figure
Super Mario 5 inch assortment

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