HERO INITIATIVE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE this SATURDAY! JUSTICE LEAGUE #7 came out yesterday, was the highest selling comic of the week and it's artist GENE HA, will be joining us on SATURDAY to encourage people to join the HERO INITIATIVE!
Not familiar with the organization? Here's a recent letter written by long time comic book colorist Tom Ziuko detailing how the Hero Initiative helped him out in his rare time of need...
Please join us Saturday for a worthy cause and a good time as Gene Ha discusses the creative process behind the newest issue of DC Comics JUSTICE LEAGUE #7
SATURDAY, MARCH 24th@ Graham Crackers Comics, Plainfield
5pm - 7:30pmMeet Artist Gene Ha (Top Ten, Flashpoint: Project Superman,
the upcoming Justice League #7 -released that very week)
and help support the HERO INITIATIVE!
There will be snacks, refreshments, and pizza provided to all participants.
There are two levels of participation for this event:
For $29 you get a HERO Initiative one-year membership (with free goodies) plus the meet and greet with Gene
orFor $99, a Silver HERO one-year membership, a FREE New Avengers 100 Project book, year long discounts on HERO merchandise, and a head sketch
(of any one character of your choice) from Gene!
Thanks again for choosing Graham Crackers Comics!
Meet TIM
Writer of the upcoming Image Comics revival of
Writer of the upcoming Image Comics revival of
Bloodstrike #26 (the first new issue) releases that same day, so
stop by, pick up your copy, and have it signed.
Tim's probably best known for his creation of HACK/SLASH as well as work on G.I. JOE, Forgotten Realms, New Exiles, Weapon X and his series Loaded Bible.
Tim's probably best known for his creation of HACK/SLASH as well as work on G.I. JOE, Forgotten Realms, New Exiles, Weapon X and his series Loaded Bible.
Astonishing X-Men #48
Avengers #24.1
Avengers VS X-Men #0
Avengers VS X-Men #0 hans cover
Avengers VS X-Men #0 wrap cover
Avenging Spider-Man #5
Captain America and Bucky #628
Daken Dark Wolverine #23
Daredevil #10
Dark Tower Gunslinger Way Station #4
Deadpoolmax 2 #6
FF #16
Ghost Rider #9
Mighty Thor #12
Moon Knight #11
New Avengers #23
Secret Avengers #24
The Twelve #11
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #8
Ultimate Spider-Man Preview #1
Uncanny X-Force #23
Wolverine Punisher Ghost Rider Offical Index #8
X-Men Legacy #264
Action Comics #1 fifth print
All Star Western #7
Aquaman #7 volume 5
Aquaman #7 volume 5 variant cover
Batman #1 fourth print
Batman #4 third print
Batman the Dark Knight #1 volume 2 third print
Batman the Dark Knight #6 volume 2 second print
Batman the Dark Knight #7 volume 2
Batman the Dark Knight #7 volume 2 variant cover
Blackhawks #7
Detective Comics #1 6th print
Flash #7 volume 4
Flash #7 volume 4 variant cover
Flash #7 volume 4 black & white variant cover
Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Men #7
Green Lantern New Guardians #7
Green Lantern New Guardians #7 variant cover
I Vampire #7
Justice League Dark #7
Legion Secret Origin #6
Savage Hawkman #7
Superman #7 volume 3
Superman #7 volume 3 variant cover
Teen Titans #7 volume 5
Teen Titans #7 volume 5 variant cover
Uncharted #5
Voodoo #7
American Vampire #25
New Deadwardians #1
New Deadwardians #1 variant cover
Scalped #57
Spaceman #5
Unwritten #35.5
Alpha Girl #2
Angel and Faith #8 isaacs cover
Angel and Faith #8 morris cover
Atomic Robo Real Science Adventures #1
Bloodstrike #26 badilla & seeley cover a
Bloodstrike #26 liefeld cover b
Bluespear One Shot
BPRD Hell on Earth Pickens County Horror # 1 cloonan cover
BPRD Hell on Earth Pickens County Horror # 1 mignola cover
Bulletproof Coffin Disinterred #3
Carbon Grey Origins #2 cover a
Carbon Grey Origins #2 cover b
Charmed #20
Choker #6
Cobra #11 cover a
Cobra #11 cover b
Cobra #11 variant cover
Crossed Badlands #2
Crossed Badlands #2 torture cover
Crossed Badlands #2 wrap cover
Crossed Badlands #2 red crossed cover
Crossed Badlands #2 retailer bonus coverDanger Girl Revolver #1 sketch cover
Dorothy of Oz Prequel #1
Dorothy of Oz Prequel #1 incentive cover
Elephantmen #38
Fatale #1 4th print
Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #4 ross cover
Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #4 renaud coverFlash Gordon Zeitgeist #4 virgin cover
Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #4 virgin francavillia cover
GI Joe 2 Movie Prequel #3
Green Hornet #23 denham cover
Green Hornet #23 hester cover
Green Hornet #23 lau cover
Grimm Fairy Tales #70 cover a
Grimm Fairy Tales #70 cover b
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #14 cover a
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #14 cover b
Hawken #3
Hawken #3 variant cover
Hellraiser #12 cover a
Hellraiser #12 cover b
Hellraiser #12 variant cover
Immortal Demon in the Blood #4
Infestation 2 GI Joe #2
Infestation 2 GI Joe #2 variant cover
Invincible #89 second print
Jurassic Strike Force 5 #3 cover a
Jurassic Strike Force 5 #3 cover b
King Conan Phoenix on the Sword #3
Last Zombie Neverland #2
Magic the Gathering #3
Magic the Gathering #3 variant cover
Morning Glories #17
Patricia Briggs Alpha and Omega Cry Wolf Vol 1 #6
Star Trek Ongoing #7
Star Trek Ongoing #7 photo variant cover
Star Trek Ongoing #7 sketch cover
Stephen King Joe Hill Road Rage #1 tattoo incentive cover
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #73 cover a
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #73 cover b
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #73 variant cover
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #8 cover a
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #8 cover b
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #8 variant cover
Transformers Robots in Disguise #3 cover a
Transformers Robots in Disguise #3 cover b
Transformers Robots in Disguise #3 variant cover
Voltron #4 vol 5 chen cover
Voltron #4 vol 5 ross cover
Voltron #4 vol 5 virgin cover
Voltron #4 vol 5 red cover
Walking Dead #95
Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris #11 garza cover
Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris #11 neves cover
Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris #11 renaud cover
Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris #11 risque cover
Warriors of Mars #2
Warriors of Mars #2 black & white cover
Warriors of Mars #2 negative cover
Warriors of Mars #2 virgin cover
Abandon The Old in Tokyo TPB
Anita Blake TPB book 02 Circus of Damned Ingenue
Annie Sullivan & the Trials of Helen Keller
Black Charity HC
Captain America Death of Red Skull TPB
Cover Girls HC
Deadpool Premiere HC volume 10 Evil Deadpool
Deadpool Vol 8 Operation Annihilation TPB
DMZ Vol 11 Free States Rising TPB
Fear Itself Youth in Revolt Premiere HC
Gone To Amerikay HC
Good Bye TPB
Jinx TPB
Justice League of America Dark Things TPB
Kevin Smith Tough Sh#t HC
Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service TPB volume 12
Legion of Monsters TPB
MMW Avengers TPB volume 04
MMW Golden Age Young Allies HC volume 02
Official Handbook Marvel Universe A to Z TPB volume 04
Powers Premiere HC volume 05 Anarchy
Push Man and Other Stories TPB
Rachel Rising Vol 1 Shadow Of Death TPB
Scooby Doo Where Are You TPB
Secret Avengers Run Mission Dont Get Seen TPB
Secret Warriors TPB volume 06 Wheels Within Wheels
Tezuka Doror Complete TPB Edition
Thunderbolts Great Escape TPB
Torpedo HC volume 05
Wolverine And Nick Fury Scorpio TPB
Cinefex #129
Comic Shop News
Marvel Previews April 2012
Previews #283
Video Watchdog #167
ALL AGESArchie #631
Betty and Veronica Double Digest #223
Futurama Comics #60
Life with Archie #18
Roger Langridges Snarked #6
Spider-Man #24
TOYSBatman Black & White Statue by Sam Kieth
Marvel Minimates Deadpool Corps Set
Astonishing X-Men #48
Avengers #24.1
Avengers VS X-Men #0
Avengers VS X-Men #0 hans cover
Avengers VS X-Men #0 wrap cover
Avenging Spider-Man #5
Captain America and Bucky #628
Daken Dark Wolverine #23
Daredevil #10
Dark Tower Gunslinger Way Station #4
Deadpoolmax 2 #6
FF #16
Ghost Rider #9
Mighty Thor #12
Moon Knight #11
New Avengers #23
Secret Avengers #24
The Twelve #11
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #8
Ultimate Spider-Man Preview #1
Uncanny X-Force #23
Wolverine Punisher Ghost Rider Offical Index #8
X-Men Legacy #264
Action Comics #1 fifth print
All Star Western #7
Aquaman #7 volume 5
Aquaman #7 volume 5 variant cover
Batman #1 fourth print
Batman #4 third print
Batman the Dark Knight #1 volume 2 third print
Batman the Dark Knight #6 volume 2 second print
Batman the Dark Knight #7 volume 2
Batman the Dark Knight #7 volume 2 variant cover
Blackhawks #7
Detective Comics #1 6th print
Flash #7 volume 4
Flash #7 volume 4 variant cover
Flash #7 volume 4 black & white variant cover
Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Men #7
Green Lantern New Guardians #7
Green Lantern New Guardians #7 variant cover
I Vampire #7
Justice League Dark #7
Legion Secret Origin #6
Savage Hawkman #7
Superman #7 volume 3
Superman #7 volume 3 variant cover
Teen Titans #7 volume 5
Teen Titans #7 volume 5 variant cover
Uncharted #5
Voodoo #7
American Vampire #25
New Deadwardians #1
New Deadwardians #1 variant cover
Scalped #57
Spaceman #5
Unwritten #35.5
Alpha Girl #2
Angel and Faith #8 isaacs cover
Angel and Faith #8 morris cover
Atomic Robo Real Science Adventures #1
Bloodstrike #26 badilla & seeley cover a
Bloodstrike #26 liefeld cover b
Bluespear One Shot
BPRD Hell on Earth Pickens County Horror # 1 cloonan cover
BPRD Hell on Earth Pickens County Horror # 1 mignola cover
Bulletproof Coffin Disinterred #3
Carbon Grey Origins #2 cover a
Carbon Grey Origins #2 cover b
Charmed #20
Choker #6
Cobra #11 cover a
Cobra #11 cover b
Cobra #11 variant cover
Crossed Badlands #2
Crossed Badlands #2 torture cover
Crossed Badlands #2 wrap cover
Crossed Badlands #2 red crossed cover
Crossed Badlands #2 retailer bonus coverDanger Girl Revolver #1 sketch cover
Dorothy of Oz Prequel #1
Dorothy of Oz Prequel #1 incentive cover
Elephantmen #38
Fatale #1 4th print
Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #4 ross cover
Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #4 renaud coverFlash Gordon Zeitgeist #4 virgin cover
Flash Gordon Zeitgeist #4 virgin francavillia cover
GI Joe 2 Movie Prequel #3
Green Hornet #23 denham cover
Green Hornet #23 hester cover
Green Hornet #23 lau cover
Grimm Fairy Tales #70 cover a
Grimm Fairy Tales #70 cover b
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #14 cover a
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #14 cover b
Hawken #3
Hawken #3 variant cover
Hellraiser #12 cover a
Hellraiser #12 cover b
Hellraiser #12 variant cover
Immortal Demon in the Blood #4
Infestation 2 GI Joe #2
Infestation 2 GI Joe #2 variant cover
Invincible #89 second print
Jurassic Strike Force 5 #3 cover a
Jurassic Strike Force 5 #3 cover b
King Conan Phoenix on the Sword #3
Last Zombie Neverland #2
Magic the Gathering #3
Magic the Gathering #3 variant cover
Morning Glories #17
Patricia Briggs Alpha and Omega Cry Wolf Vol 1 #6
Star Trek Ongoing #7
Star Trek Ongoing #7 photo variant cover
Star Trek Ongoing #7 sketch cover
Stephen King Joe Hill Road Rage #1 tattoo incentive cover
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #73 cover a
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #73 cover b
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #73 variant cover
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #8 cover a
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #8 cover b
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #8 variant cover
Transformers Robots in Disguise #3 cover a
Transformers Robots in Disguise #3 cover b
Transformers Robots in Disguise #3 variant cover
Voltron #4 vol 5 chen cover
Voltron #4 vol 5 ross cover
Voltron #4 vol 5 virgin cover
Voltron #4 vol 5 red cover
Walking Dead #95
Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris #11 garza cover
Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris #11 neves cover
Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris #11 renaud cover
Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris #11 risque cover
Warriors of Mars #2
Warriors of Mars #2 black & white cover
Warriors of Mars #2 negative cover
Warriors of Mars #2 virgin cover
Abandon The Old in Tokyo TPB
Anita Blake TPB book 02 Circus of Damned Ingenue
Annie Sullivan & the Trials of Helen Keller
Black Charity HC
Captain America Death of Red Skull TPB
Cover Girls HC
Deadpool Premiere HC volume 10 Evil Deadpool
Deadpool Vol 8 Operation Annihilation TPB
DMZ Vol 11 Free States Rising TPB
Fear Itself Youth in Revolt Premiere HC
Gone To Amerikay HC
Good Bye TPB
Jinx TPB
Justice League of America Dark Things TPB
Kevin Smith Tough Sh#t HC
Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service TPB volume 12
Legion of Monsters TPB
MMW Avengers TPB volume 04
MMW Golden Age Young Allies HC volume 02
Official Handbook Marvel Universe A to Z TPB volume 04
Powers Premiere HC volume 05 Anarchy
Push Man and Other Stories TPB
Rachel Rising Vol 1 Shadow Of Death TPB
Scooby Doo Where Are You TPB
Secret Avengers Run Mission Dont Get Seen TPB
Secret Warriors TPB volume 06 Wheels Within Wheels
Tezuka Doror Complete TPB Edition
Thunderbolts Great Escape TPB
Torpedo HC volume 05
Wolverine And Nick Fury Scorpio TPB
Cinefex #129
Comic Shop News
Marvel Previews April 2012
Previews #283
Video Watchdog #167
ALL AGESArchie #631
Betty and Veronica Double Digest #223
Futurama Comics #60
Life with Archie #18
Roger Langridges Snarked #6
Spider-Man #24
TOYSBatman Black & White Statue by Sam Kieth
Marvel Minimates Deadpool Corps Set
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